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Merry krisimasi muna 2024: kupemberera zvakabudirira uye kutarisa kumberi

Patinombundira mweya wekuperera weKisimusi 2024, tinotarisa kumashure kwegore rakazadzwa nematambudziko uye nekukunda. One of the highlights of this year is our successful delivery of DNG products such as hydraulic breakers, breaker chisels, and spare parts on time and with high quality. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of our team who overcame weather conditions of hot summers and snowy winters to ensure our partners received their products on time.



Sezvatinopemberera iyi mwaka wemitambo, tinowedzera zvido zvedu zvinodziya kuDGP zvikwata uye vese vedu vadiki. Merry Kisimusi muna 2024! Dai mwaka wehoridhe uzadzwe nemufaro nerunyararo.

Looking Ahead, in 2025, we will continue to put the quality of hydraulic breakers, drill rod and accessories first, and with strong technical strength and rich production experience, we continue to innovate to meet the needs of different customers. Isu tinovimba kuti mapoka eDGG acharamba achibatira pamwe nemwoyo wose nevatsigiri vese kuti vagadzire benzi pamwe chete!

Kutumira Nguva: Dec-26-2024